Sunday, 20 July 2008

Decades Of Agony

The widow of a war hero who had been wrongfully denied a pension by Whitehall bureaucrats for years was celebrating a victory after the Ministry of Defence admitted "maladministration".

Lt Norbury won an immediate Military Cross for an action in Burma in 1944 in which he received horrific injuries to his feet, legs and abdomen.

Fifty-four years later the decorated King's African Rifles officer died penniless in a public hospital in South Africa after decades of agony and operations.

After selling the family home and its contents and despite his wife Gillian working part-time while nursing her husband, the Norburys ran out of money to support the medical bills.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

A judge stunned a courtroom by branding three women robbers 'a bunch of over-the-hill slappers'.

Okay, maybe its not 'good news' as such, but it did make me laugh!

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

No change in law regarding succession to the throne

The Attorney-General’s office has ruled out any legislation that would give equal rights of succession to the throne to daughters of a monarch. Nor will it repeal the law that bans the heir to the throne from marrying a Roman Catholic.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Texas strip club owners will no longer have to pay a controversial $5-per-customer "pole tax" after the fee was declared unconstitutional by a judge.

The charge was imposed on clubs in January by officials who hoped to raise about $44 million (£22 million) to fund sexual assault prevention programmes and health care for the uninsured.